
The Tennis Score Sheet Template from is an essential tool for tracking scores in tennis matches, whether you’re playing casually or organizing a tournament. This template allows you to keep accurate records of each game’s score, providing a clear and simple format for both individual players and teams. With easy customization and printable layouts, it’s a convenient solution for tennis enthusiasts.

Key Features:
  • Player/Team Information Section: Input essential details for each player or team at the top of the score sheet for quick reference during the match.
  • Score Tracking Table: Manually record scores for each round or set as the match progresses in the clearly structured score sheet table.
  • Printable Layout Options: The template is available in A4 and Letter sizes for easy printing, allowing for physical copies to track the match.
  • Available in Multiple Formats: Whether in Excel, Word, or other formats, this template ensures flexibility and easy use for all your tennis score-tracking needs.

This template is perfect for anyone who needs a simple and organized way to track tennis scores during friendly matches or competitive games.

Additional Information

File Size

A4, US

Available Formats

MS Excel, MS Word, Numbers, Pages