As a subscriber, you are entitled to exercise your right to cancel your subscription at any time. You may cancel your subscription by contacting us or directly canceling it through your dashboard. If you decide to cancel your subscription, the results would depend on the specific period you decide to make the cancellation. You must take note of the following effects:
Prior to the expiration date of your chosen type of subscription:
Your current subscription will still be valid
You may continue downloading templates
There will be no pro-rata refunds
After the date on which your subscription would have been renewed:
You will no longer be charged unless you choose to resubscribe
You will be able to see and download the list of items and products which you have previously downloaded
You will not be able to download any new item
If you resubscribe, you will be charged with a new subscription fee (whatever the latest rate is at the time you decide to resubscribe)
If You Unsubscribe
You will be downgraded to a basic account, but you will still be able to use previously downloaded templates.
Contact Us
For more questions and queries regarding our refund and cancellation policy.
Cancellation Policy
As a subscriber, you are entitled to exercise your right to cancel your subscription at any time. You may cancel your subscription by contacting us or directly canceling it through your dashboard. If you decide to cancel your subscription, the results would depend on the specific period you decide to make the cancellation. You must take note of the following effects:
Prior to the expiration date of your chosen type of subscription:
Your current subscription will still be valid
You may continue downloading templates
There will be no pro-rata refunds
After the date on which your subscription would have been renewed:
You will no longer be charged unless you choose to resubscribe
You will be able to see and download the list of items and products which you have previously downloaded
You will not be able to download any new item
If you resubscribe, you will be charged with a new subscription fee (whatever the latest rate is at the time you decide to resubscribe)
If You Unsubscribe
You will be downgraded to a basic account, but you will still be able to use previously downloaded templates.
Contact Us
For more questions and queries regarding our refund and cancellation policy.