Whether you’re a small business looking to grow or a huge corporation, one thing stays the same: Human Resource is a supreme concern. Neglecting this vital part of business would automatically mean disaster. Keep yourself on top of things by learning as much as you can about HR. Here are the templates that you may want to look into.
Finding the right people to occupy jobs and roles within your business is a crucial task. You need to make sure that your recruitment is up to this challenge. One way to ensure success would be to take note of the various templates and documents involved. Each one focuses on a different aspect of the recruitment process, so it is definitely worth taking a look at.
Aptitude Test Template
When looking to test for a candidate’s skill and ability to carry out certain tasks, you need to look no further than aptitude test templates. This is useful due to its standardized scoring and administration method. Your results are then compared with other prospects, which makes it a fair and reliable way to find the best people for your company.
Interview Appointment Letter
This is a letter used as a method of communication between the interviewer and the interviewee. Either one of them can write a letter, each with varying circumstances. For example, an interviewee may write it for the purpose of requesting an interview. Interviewers may write to respond or reschedule the interview whenever it would be convenient or appropriate.
Reference Check Letter Template
This is what you can use for your own personal starting point when writing reference letters. What you need to keep in mind is that your questions need to focus on the work and how suitable the applicant is for said work. It can be too easy to point out how great an applicant can be personally, so it is best to avoid that.
Job Description Form Template
This is the template that employers use to advertise particular job openings to potential applicants. It tends to put incredibly specific details about what the job entails, as well as some information regarding the company itself. You are also likely to find enough space to place your business’ logo on the template.
HR Officer Job Description Template
If you need to find a HR officer, having the right job description template is bound to help you with your search. Take note of the responsibilities that need handling by that person. It will include supporting both the development and implementing of any and all HR systems. Another would be counseling duties as far as procedures and policies are concerned. Then there’s the responsibility of taking part in the recruitment aspect of the business.
Recruitment Manager Job Description
When it comes to the job description of recruitment managers, you need to specify the following responsibilities: the designing and updating of recruiting procedures, supervising and reporting on the performance of the recruitment team, and keeping track of the recruiting metrics.
Human Resource Assistant Job Description
HR assistants are those workers who toil behind the scenes, focused on aiding those managers and directors in accomplish human resource tasks. Part of their responsibilities involve administrative duties. Other times, they can also be relied upon to post job openings, find information about the jobs’ applicants, and more.
Board Resolution Approving Job Description & Code of Conduct Template
This template is one that make statements regarding issues important enough to warrant the board having a record of it. The template will stand as a proven record should the compliance of the issue come into question.
Recruitment Plan Template
This template is the sum of the recruitment practices that you put into play. Part of this are the vacancies that need filling, as well as the recruiting budget that you have to work with. You can also expect to revise the job descriptions and have a skills gap analysis conducted. Once you’ve done this, you can now properly visualize how well your hiring activity is doing.
Interview Questionnaire
This is what you’ll be employing when you and a candidate have come face to face for an interview. The questions are bound to vary, but there will be a few common ones across the board. It is smart to prepare questions depending on the job that you are hiring for, rather than depend on a general set of questions.
After you’ve found the right people for the jobs you’re trying to fill in, the next logical step would be to officially hire them. However, it’s more than just telling them they’ve got the job. To achieve greater familiarity with the hiring process, here are the templates that you’ll be dealing with.
Checklist for Hiring Employees
This checklist involves creating job descriptions or updating old ones. Another thing that should be on the list would be the criteria in which you determine who to select. Interview dates and the standardized questions must also be on the checklist in preparation, not to mention an employee contract worksheet template. The checking of references is also a must.
Employment Offer Letter
This is what you will be presenting to the candidate that has passed your standards to formally offer them the job. Besides the offer, it also specifies the job title, whom that person will be reporting to, and when the employment status will take effect. You’ll also have to detail the compensation and employee benefits.
Part Time Employment Offer Letter
This is largely similar to an employment offer letter, with the exception being the job being offered is not a full-time position. Same as before, you can expect to find the specified job title, salary, benefits, and the effective starting date of employment. You may also find your work schedule specified within the offer letter.
Offer Letter of Recommendation Template
- Verification of Employment and Letter of Recommendation
- Confirmation of Employment and Letter of Recommendation
This is a document where the qualities and capabilities of an employee is recommended, usually in terms of what task or role they are to fulfill. Such a template is addressed to specific requesters, but they can also be issued to those being recommended minus any specific addressee.
Work for Hire Agreement
This agreement is where an individual is hired by a company to do a certain work. It can be edited and tailored to suit any specific circumstance by those that are looking to make good use of it. Included would normally be the nature of the work, the parties involved, and the particular details that are involved.
Employee Non – Compete Agreement Template
This template serves to bind a party into an agreement that prevents them from working in a profession that serves as competition to the other party. There are some courts that refer to this as restrictive covenants. It is usually bound by traditional requirements for contracts, which includes the consideration doctrine.
Employee Confidentiality Agreement
This agreement binds one or more parties into keeping specific information conveyed in the contract secret. It is otherwise known as a non-disclosure agreement. Although many NDAs are applicable to just the employee, there are mutual confidentiality agreements for certain groups, such as investors.
19 Strategies for Hiring the Best
There are multiple strategies you can use when looking for the best people. For one, you can simply treat the candidates as if they were your best customers. Also, understanding the cost and benefits of each hire is important. Hire for the long-term and get freelancers when you can. Know that coaching cultures and having the right office space are key ways to attract millennials. The use of data optimizes hiring time, not to mention finding those that best fit your culture. Alumnis can serve as options, passive candidates can be chased, and you can even try leveraging employee referrals. At the very least, you ought to profile the best hires.
The process of onboarding is where a brand new employee is integrated into the organization. It is through this that they begin learning about new knowledge, the necessary skills, and the appropriate behaviors in order to succeed within the company. There are multiple tactics used to accomplish this, and here to help are the following templates:
New Employee Orientation Checklist
This is needed in order to ensure that everything goes on during the new employee orientation without a hitch. Among the things in the checklist may include the necessary materials, documents, and scheduling. One thing you may find here would be company policy template, as well as a worksheet job requirements template.
New Employee Introduction Email to Clients
This is where the new hire is introduced to the clients via email. It is important to make a good first impression and establish an early rapport. By sending this particular email, you have a chance of ensuring that the new employee accomplishes both. It is vitally important especially for those whose tasks are centered around said clients.
New Employee Welcome Email
This is the email sent in order to help make the new hire feel welcome and at home. Delivery is normally done by someone from the HR team or perhaps by the hiring manager. It is sent within the hire’s first few days at work or even prior to that, so they can be better prepared when the starting date arrives.
New Hire Checklist
Having a new hire checklist can ensure that all of the necessary onboarding steps are covered by the HR and the managers. Know that the first few days are crucial ones for the employee. After all, it sets the tone for their tenure with the company and can give you an idea of what’s to come in the future. One thing that you need to ensure is part of this checklist is the attendance policy template.
Performance Management & Reviews
Performance management is an essential part of business because they can help employee growth and become more effective in their roles. It is part of HR’s job description to monitor individuals and provide them with the necessary reviews so that they can improve. Helping them in this role would be the following templates. Each can help turn things around and enable employees to reach heights that they’ve never been to before.
Performance Evaluation Template
This template allows you to be capable of ticking off any particular category that you may be looking at when deciding to conduct a performance evaluation. This can include the quality of the work performed, consistency, productivity, integrity, and punctuality.
Job Performance Warning Letter
When an employee is underperforming, you need to let them know in a firm yet professional way. This can be done through a job performance warning letter. In it, detail how he or she has been doing, what needs to be done, and what the employee can do to reach those expectations.
Checklist for Giving Job Performance Feedback
This checklist contains several useful items, such as a job analysis form template, that can make this complicated task much simpler. It can remind you to provide regular and informal feedback before the actual evaluation. You may even be encouraged to create a discussion to help your employees in any way.
Self – Evaluation Template
This template is where you reflect on your own skills and accomplishments to find where you stand. Alternatively, you can provide this to your own employees. Through that act, they can serve as their own judge at how they are going about with their roles.
Employee Development, Motivation, & Training
To help develop, motivate, and train employees fall quite well into what human resources do best. This can mean coming up with your employees’ training schedule, for one. Then there’s looking into what their needs are, as far as the training is concerned, not to mention coming up with an actual training plan. Below are the templates needed for such activities.
Employee Training Schedule
This pertains to when an employee is needed to undergo a specific type of training. For new hires, this is something that takes place within the first few weeks, if not days, of their hiring. Older employees may undergo training as well, and it is up to HR to organize their schedules.
Training Needs Analysis
With each employee having their own strengths, weaknesses, and roles, HR may conduct a training needs analysis. This will tell employees what they need to work on further or where they stand as far as the current training is concerned. Doing this can help assess the employee and find ways to improve them much more efficiently.
Training Plan Template
This is in regard to the specific training that employees need to undergo. Each plan is tailored into achieving a certain skillset or knowledge that the employee will be needing in order to succeed at his or her role within the company.
Safety & Wellness
One of the top concerns of any workplace would be its safety and wellness. It is part of human resources’ role to ensure a high standard of both through the development of safety rules and policies. In case there’s a need to review further, you may look up an accident policy template or these other templates regarding the subject.
Workplace Safety Rules
Know that there are safety measures that cannot exist within the measures of just rules and policies. Employees need to have their own firm understanding of what to do in order to stay safe in the office. Among these safety rules include: being aware of the surroundings, correct posture, regular breaks, proper use of tools, being aware of emergency exit locations, reporting unsafe conditions, and using appropriate safety conditions.
General Safety Rules Template
These rules provide strict methods to ensure the safety of everybody in the office. You can find specific do’s and don’ts in this template that employees are expected to uphold to the best of their abilities. Such a template can be edited to suit your company’s particular needs.
General Safety Policy Template
In contrast to a general safety rules template, this one is much broader in scale and is only intended to guide towards the desired outcome. You may edit this to suit your company’s particular needs as well.
Job Safety Analysis
This is where commonly accepted health and safety principles are integrated into certain jobs. In this procedure, each step is dedicated to identifying potential hazards. From there, the safest methods to get the job done is subsequently recommended.
Compensation & Benefits
This is an area within HR that focuses on your employees’ compensation and the benefits policy-making. Among its basic components include guaranteed pay, variable pay, equity-based compensation, and the benefits. Within these components are even more specific ones that may need the following documents and templates.
Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plan
This is an IRS-approved benefit plan that can reimburse employees concerning any medical out-of-pocket expenses. It also reimburses individual health insurance premiums. Through this, employers make contributions to their employees’ accounts for some of their eligible expenses.
Employee Compensation Plan
This is the collective term referring to the components and manner in which employees are compensated. It also includes the reasons as to why employees earn their salary increases, incentives, and case bonuses.
Employee Benefit Plan Letter
This is the letter which details an employee’s benefit plan. You are to write down the specifics of what he or she is entitled to as an employee of your company. Spare no details for documentation purposes.
Promotion Announcement Letter
This is a letter you can send to an employee who has been promoted to a brand new position. Small businesses may opt to do this or include the announcement during a meeting where everybody is present.
Employee Recognition Letter
When you’ve got an employee that’s exceeding expectations and you want to give a heartfelt letter of appreciation, then this is the letter you send. It needs to glorify whatever professional skills they’ve got, as well as provide genuine praise for what they’ve done during their time in the company.
Company Bonus Letter
This is what employees receive when they are entitled to a bonus. The specific amount is stated in the letter, as are the reasons as to why this bonus is warranted.
Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty
Tough challenges are bound to be encountered at work. Those who rise to the occasion and handle it all with great efficiency need to be commended. This letter is one way to do so. Showing the appropriate amount of gratitude for jobs well done can be a powerful motivator and is good for morale overall.
Salary Increment Letter
A salary increment letter is something that employees write and send to their employers to request for a salary increase. Those that write this normally feel like they have highly justifiable reasons as to why increments need to be given to him or her.
Employee Relations
Making sure that office interpersonal relations go smoothly should be among the top of HR’s responsibilities. This goes beyond just looking at who is misbehaving or what needs correcting; sometimes a proactive stance is needed to ensure everything is well. There are a few things that can help with that, such as:
Employee Suggestion Policy
There are times when employees may have suggestions of their own on how to improve certain things in the office. It could be about how certain processes are done; perhaps it could be activities that add to the office culture in positive ways. Letting them know that their voice is heard goes a long way in how employee relations go. A policy like this may even lead to a lot of awesome things.
Offer of Assistance to Family During Employee Illness
People get sick and when that happens, knowing that the company cares can make a huge difference. The offering of assistance does not have to be a huge thing, but it can still mean a lot depending on the employee’s specific circumstances.
Payroll Administration
Payroll administration can be described as the tasks which are necessary for one to organize employee compensation. It can be a complex network of related work where the hours are totaled, the rates of the pay, and its management are all summed up.
Payroll Deduction Authorisation
This is utilized primarily in three ways: one, is to make changes to the present deduction. Two, it is to stop the present deduction. Three, it is to start a deduction. It is to be completed then submitted to your company’s payroll officer before the period’s deadline.
Discipline & Termination
Arguably the most difficult part of HR’s role. No matter how smooth a company operates, there will be those that violate policy. Whether by choice or by neglect, offenders will emerge and it becomes necessary to address their actions or inactions. To help out, here are templates that will be of use:
Notice of Termination
Once a certain employee is deemed fit to terminate, you may proceed to present them with this notice. Alternatively, many also refer to this as a ‘termination letter’ or a ‘pink slip.’ This will include the date when the termination is be in effect.
Termination Checklist Template
Before you decide to terminate a certain employee, you may want to use termination checklist template to make sure this is a fair decision. You can use this to review all the reasons why they must be terminated and what they need to do or turnover before their employment status is revoked. You may also want to use a prohibited activities template to guide employees.
Notice of Intent to Termination
When using a notice of intent to terminate template, you must first clearly state what it is all about. Be sure to cite the personnel policy and the effective date of your intended action. Feel free to describe what the employee has done in great detail. Do not neglect anything about the issue, include any steps that have been taken to try and correct the problem. From there, you can deliver it to the employee and inform him or her about the right to respond.
Termination Letter – Excessive Absenteeism
Among the reasons an employee could be terminated is due to too many unexcused absences. Should that be the case, feel free to present said employee with this particular type of termination letter. Specify how many times this has happened and cite any previous warnings that have been given.
Progressive Discipline Checklist
This checklist is what keeps track of the disciplinary methods used to help an employee improve. It often starts with communication, before working its way up to collaboration, coaching, policies, training, feedback, counseling, mediation, and finally, termination.
HR can certainly be a challenging role to fill. There’s lots of issues to tackle and the solutions are not always straightforward as they can seem. However, the use of these templates and checklists are invaluable. Having the right knowledge and wisdom regarding their use is one solid way to ensure that the HR of your small business is on the right path to success.