In adhering to labor regulations, tackling employment and placement needs of the restaurant, training and organizational structure, Human Resource professionals help you meet your restaurant business objectives. Human Resource department also targets programs that include planning development based on identified performance gaps. This aims to enable individuals to achieve short-term and long-term career goals and supporting succession planning by implementing leadership development programs.
With all these duties and responsibilities, it is vital to have a system that will help organize the most important and valuable resources of a business . One way to keep track of all the details is by using HR Strategic Plan Checklist Template.
HR Planning & Administration
Human Resource planning and administration in your restaurant should not be an isolated paper exercise but an important restaurant management function. This is necessary to counteract the pulls and pressures of globalization and develop the efficiency of the human resource within your organisation.
Recruitments offer opportunities to various departments in your restaurant business to align staff skill sets to initiatives and goals, and for departmental and individual growth.
Job Descriptions
Whether you have hired an HR director, accountant, manager or chef at your restaurant, job descriptions spell out duties and responsibilities. They form the foundation for many important processes because a job description typically outlines the necessary skills, training and education needed.
Notice of Job Opening Form
You have to clarify whether you intend to or have already made a vacant position known to external applicants. It is wise to attach your restaurant’s internal job posting policy for details about the application process in case there are internal employees interested.
Employee Acknowledgement Letter
This letter confirms that you have been informed of new workplace policies and expectations within the office premises. This should be signed as a receipt of a policy.
Employment Application
This comes usually in compilation of various forms that must be answered by job applicants for the vacant position they are applying for. This way, it is easier for business employers to compare applicants’ qualifications and credentials listed in the same order.
After the recruitment plan has been developed and selected the people being recruited, selection process begins. Managers and supervisors are responsible for the hiring but the human resource management makes sure they are guided.
Interview Questionnaire
This is during the screening phase. To determine whether or not a candidate will be invited for an onsite interview. Business employers would want to find out a candidate’s understanding of the various functions of the business as well as the applicant’s qualifications.
Employee Selection Template
Recruitment and hiring managers can use this template to create an efficient hiring process. You can refer to this template too to avoid legal complications in selecting your restaurant’s business hiring criteria.
Applicant Selection Criteria Record
This is to make sure that that all key attributes for the vacant position are documented in the application.
One of the methods used in the hiring process is sales per employee. It’s important that you keep the rest of your employees informed in each step of the staffing process.
Employee Onboarding Checklist
The moment a new staff is hired and unsure of how he fits in, that’s when you need to use and see the actual benefits and importance of an employee onboarding checklist.
Restaurant Employee Verification Letter
This letter is for confirmation if the person you hired was employed by another company before. The restaurant employee verification letter provides proof of employment.
Employment Offer Letter
This comes after the employer has chosen the best candidate for the position. This covers important employment terms such as the position title, compensation, and employee benefits. It also includes privacy and termination policies.
Recruitment Evaluation Survey
Even if you have thousands of job applicants daily, that will still not serve as a good evaluation measurement of the recruitment process. You need to have a survey to help you come up with qualitative and quantitative results to gauge which areas you excel and which aspects you need to improvement on.
Restaurant – Background Check Information Form
To complete the thorough examination of both your personal and professional records, back check information form is needed. This means checking criminal history, verification of your professional references, previous employment or university records.
Employee Information Form
This is part of the formal process to document your staff members’ personal details. The HR professional can modify this to suit your company’s needs.
The human resource focuses on training the staff and developing their skills for growth and developing their skills for future restaurant responsibilities.
Employee Training Plan Template
This template can help you prioritize and document the staff training that needs to be done. This ensures that your workforce is working at an optimum capacity.
Restaurant Employee Handbook
As you begin with your restaurant business, it is important that you put your own unique set of employee policies, procedures and practices in writing to set the expectations of your staff.
Employee Training Checklist
Your restaurant needs an employee training checklist that provides the guidelines that will make all the evaluation process easy. The employee training checklist should be made handy when conducting any form of training.
Employee Training Schedule
This is the key to effective time management techniques. The employee training schedule is given to a restaurant employee who needs to review the competencies that they need to have and what your restaurant business expects them to give.
After a rigorous recruitment process, you have chosen the best candidates and it’s time to welcome them. Before they start, successful applicants need to know essential information about the business and about the job . To address this, the company must have a structured induction program for new employees.
Work Hours and Reporting Policy
This policy includes guidelines for restaurant staff members on hours of work that also involve flexible work arrangements while ensuring compliance. Overtime Policy Aside from having a good understanding of the business workload, managers should also explain how employees are compensated for hours worked. The overtime policies should provide adequate protection for employees.
Personal Leave Policy
Personal leave policy is for any staff member who wants to apply for short-term leave for reasons other than illness. This should be included in your overall leave policy which includes the latest trends, such as flexible work time or even leave donation activities.
Flexible Workplace Policy
Recognizing that some of your staff have valid reasons such as parenting, doctor’s appointment and work-life balance, a flexible workplace arrangement can work. It is important that employees are encouraged to focus on quality rather than the number of hours worked.
Policy and Procedure
Your restaurant policy is the restaurant business rule you should include in your employee manual. Your procedure policy is a mission statement that states your purpose and effective measures to communicate.
Employee Health Policy Agreement
This agreement must explain what symptoms and illnesses employees must report to their immediate superiors and what they must do when they receive such reports. This is necessary to prevent the spread of illnesses.
Sick Leave Policy
If you’ll take a look at the employers’ perspective, paid sick leave should be reduced. On the employees’ perspective, however, paid sick leaves should be closed to unlimited. The sick leave policy must give both perspectives a comfortable middle ground. This way, job stability, productivity, and retention will be ensured.
Vacation Policy
Not all restaurant owners offer vacation time but for those who do, the policy must be defined on which employees are eligible for vacation. It must be well- enforced to help employees understand the steps that need to be followed in order to use the time off.
Workplace Safety Rules
Just as we expect employees to come to work safe in the morning, we should also expect that they return safe home at night. It is always the best interest of both the employer and the employee to put safety first. A safety training and education should be in order.
Restaurant Holiday Handbook
This is another thing that epitomizes your restaurant business structure. Your restaurant holiday handbook will set your staff expectations and will help you avoid litigation and put your staff at ease.
An employee handbook and an employee letter are not enough when it comes to welcoming a new employee to your restaurant business. An orientation meeting serves as an important element of the staff welcome and restaurant business integration.
Employee Shift Schedule Template
The employee shift schedule template shows an entire week of shift schedule. This also calculates Monday through Sunday paid hours and labor costs for you.
Restaurant Employee/ Staff Schedule
Staff schedule will motivate them to be consistent and helps you control labor costs while ensuring great service. Setting a deadline for schedule requests, and in turn offering the schedule in a timely manner are essential for your restaurant operation.
Employee Work Schedule
This is to help you control your restaurant projects as these progress towards successful completion. This will help you better manage your restaurant’s business workflow.
Identifying your organization’s strategic goals and implementing steps to achieve them are just the initial steps in HR management. Evaluating is also another thing that includes checking through recruitment policies, hiring processes, and strengthening the employer-employee relationship.
Employee Performance Evaluation Form
The format of this evaluation form gives the supervisor the permission to describe performance in a written narrative. This form guides the supervisor through sections to create a comprehensive review.
Employee Performance Feedback Form
This is designed to help authorities with the creation of a detailed employee report. Here, you may rate the staff based on various grounds such as job knowledge, productivity and quality.
Manager Bonus Review Template
This simple review template offers a list of employee skills and qualities, with a corresponding rating system ranging from poor to excellent. While not being in-depth, however, it provides a snapshot of employee performance.
Employee Appraisal Form
Staff appraisal speaks about personal qualities and behavior of the staff. To do this, the supervisor has to keep the annual performance and monthly work plans as references when doing the evaluation.
Manager Evaluation Survey Template
While managers are used to giving staff feedback, they too have their own evaluations. This management evaluation survey template will help you gather feedback, capture results in reports and get an overview of the restaurant’s latest management performance.
Employee Performance Review Form
If you are looking for an easy way to review your staff’s performance and keeping that info organized, this form is perfect for you. This is part of a streamlined staff performance appraisal process to help you quickly conduct evaluations.
Informing your restaurant employees that they are going to be laid off will probably make you experience anxiety and guilt. It is important that you treat your staff humanely and compassionately and make sure you have consulted the applicable policy or contract.
Employee Warning Letter
This is used to address the misbehavior or poor performance of your staff in the workplace. This must set out consequences as well as areas for improvement.
Employee Warning Notice
When the human resource department finds the need to discipline a staff member, this warning notice is often used by the business management.
Disciplinary Notice Form
This is an effective way to get your staff’s attention to inform any one of them that his/her behavior was unacceptable. Ideally, before handing an employee the discipline form, their should be a series of conversations and coaching.
Notice to Employees of Unsatisfactory Behaviour
This notice is a written warning for unsatisfactory job performance. It would state you need to make corrections in order to bring your performance to a satisfactory level.
Employee Termination Checklist
When an employment termination happens, you as an employer would need to follow certain steps. Have this termination checklist to reference from.
Employee Dismissal Letter
After the termination meeting, you may now send or hand the dismissal letter with the return receipt requested. Do not forget to print the letter on company stationery and have the employee’s manager or the company owner sign it.
Restaurant Employee Termination Letter
This termination letter should be for reasons like layoffs or poor performance. Inevitably, there will come a time that you will be terminating an employee. It would be wise to keep a record of the termination in case of a lawsuit.
Acceptance of Resignation
When the HR department receives a letter of resignation, it is customary to reply to the employee.
Payroll Administration
An HR payroll specialist is a member of the human resource department who handles the payroll of the restaurant’s business budget.
Competitor Pay Rate Survey
If you want to find out what other restaurants in your marketplace pay their employees, the competitor pay rate survey is perfect for you. It collects wage ranges from similar type of restaurant operations.
Employee Payroll Form
Registration of EIN, employee’s compensation insurance and state taxes obligations should be done during the onboarding process. Employees are the base of your business, hence, duly accomplished payroll forms cannot be overstated.
Payroll Deduction Authorization
The payroll deduction authorization form should be completed should you authorize new deductions from your payroll.
Restaurant Payroll Budget Template
Restaurant payroll budget template will help your restaurant business calculate correctly the funds intended for workers for a particular duration.
Payroll Accrual Spreadsheet
Business accrue payroll daily, so it’s very important to come up with an accurate payroll accrual computation. This spreadsheet is a compilation indicating all the figures, including the time and the date that your employees worked for.
Payroll Hours Confirmation Log
Employee signature or electronic fingerprint confirms that correct hours were paid. It gives an accurate log of hours worked.
Payment Schedule Template
Keeping track of pay days can be confusing especially if there are several people who needs to get paid daily. This template can be used to keep track of payment schedules.
Response to Payment Request
The typical response to payment request should explain why you haven’t made a payment yet. It also serves as a notification to your creditor that payments will be received soon. It is important that you update your creditor regardless if your payment will be late or if you believe you don’t owe them any amount.
Agreements & Contracts
These are written, binding documents between you as the restaurant owner and a prospective or current restaurant staff. These documents serve as protection of restaurant’s business financial and intellectual resources. Agreements and contracts are best served by having them drafted and reviewed by your company lawyer.
Employee Retirement Agreement
If any of your restaurant staff is approaching retirement, you may use an employee retirement agreement to establish the rights and responsibilities for both of you.
Work Agreement
This is to ensure that you have a shared understanding about the job. It’s a clear way of setting the expectations you need to meet your standards. This must have a description of the job duties and benefits while making sure that there is accountability on both sides.
Work for Hire Agreement
Whether you are hired as an independent contractor to complete a restaurant project or you are hiring an independent contractor to complete your restaurant project, the use of work hire agreement document is suitable. This is to ensure that the contractor has no right of ownership over his work or product created under the agreement.
Employment Contract
The basic concept of an employment contract is simple: You work for me and I’ll pay you for that work”. The employment contract establishes the rights and responsibilities of both the restaurant owner and its employees.
Employee Training Contract
In cases when an employer provides training, the HR department encourages a mutual agreement. An employee training contract outlines the responsibilities between you as the restaurant owner and your staff. This pertains to learning goals, objectives, outcomes, career path development and conditions.
Staffing Agency Contract
With numerous choices available, it is challenging for agencies to secure employer accounts. Once employers understand that you are the best choice, you can get a staffing agreement signed. A staffing agency contract establishes the terms of your business relationship.
Your restaurant policies will provide provide structure, control, consistency, and fairness to you as the restaurant owner as well as to your restaurant’s staff. These policies typically involve how and when your staff are paid, their benefits and eligibility. It must also cover restaurant dress codes, disciplinary policies and attendance
Restaurant Management Policy
If you are new to the restaurant business, most likely you, as the owner, doubles as the manager. Your restaurant management policy should help you meet different challenges, handle public relations concerns, inventory and customers with ease.
Attendance Policy
A good employee is someone who conducts himself in a professional manner including good attendance habits. Coming to work on time, working with shifts as scheduled, and leaving at the scheduled time are the essential parts of every staff member’s job description.
Dress Code Policy Template
Dress code guidelines are great way for you as the restaurant owner to ensure that your workforce looks professional to customers. This policy reminds your staff that they are expected to give consideration to personal appearance, neatness and cleanliness.
Progressive Discipline Policy
The progressive discipline policy is one way of taking progressive and stricter action when your staff fails to correct a problem in their performance or behavior despite being given reasonable time to do so.
Funeral or Bereavement Leave Policy
This is a policy that helps the employee emotionally recover from the death of a loved one. As we all know, employers must maintain a sense of balance between emotion and mental stress to achieve optimum performance.
Maternity/Pregnancy and Paternal Leave Policy
The policy aims to promote a consistent and supportive approach to pregnant employees and their husbands. This is to ensure protection of the health and well-being of the mother and the child. Furthermore, this is also in compliance with legislative requirements.
Employee Meal Policy
Free meals will make your staff feel appreciated, and if you allow them to taste your restaurant’s dishes, that would be an edge when they’re selling to customers. To properly account, however, an employee meal policy must be drafted for expenses and tax purposes.
Employee Cell Phone Policy Template
If an employee uses her phone during work, it causes disturbance and interruptions. To cut down frustrations at work, employees must have a cell phone policy which clearly stipulates when it is okay and when it is not okay to uses cell phones during work hours.
Computer, Email, Internet usage Policy
This policy reminds your restaurant staff that the Internet and e-mails, computer systems, communications networks, restaurant-related records and all data stored electronically, are the properties of your restaurant business and not theirs.
Wireless Device Usage Policy
The wireless device usage policy should be established to protect your restaurant’s resources. It could be against intrusion from those that would use the wireless media to enter the network. The policy should also apply to all wireless devices used by your restaurant business or those that connect through your wireless devices.
Smoking Policy
It is never permitted to smoke anywhere else. There are designated areas that are usually outside the main employee entrance. The smoking policy should state that the smoking area shall be maintained litter-free.
Whistle Blower Protection Policy
The whistleblower protections include two important areas. One is confidentiality and second is retaliation. The right of whistleblower for protection against retaliation, however, does no include immunity for alleged personal misconduct that should be investigated.
Rehire Policy
It is always wise for employers to establish such a policy even if there are no specific legal requirements for hiring policies. This will help you as a restaurant owner avoid claims by your former staff in case he was not rehired.
The Human Resource role can be easily overlooked but without you noticing, it manages people and the workplace culture and environment. It embraces your restaurant’s business philosophy and principles as well. HR deals with concerns related to compensation and benefits. It also handles performance, safety, wellness, training and many more. Find restaurant templates and documents here.